Thursday 3 May 2012

Craft Fair Sewing

I have been sewing and sewing and sewing this week as I have a stall booked at the crieff tourist information centre for the 8 day craft fair. Just when I think I am getting on top of my stock I have been getting shop orders which have to be made up mostly for bibs this week. I am not complaining. The zipper pouches are a good example I cut 10 purses and 10 pencil cases out on Monday and as I have been making them up they have been selling so now I only have 7 purses and 6 pencil cases. Do you think that will be enough? They are sweet I love them all. I have also been making crayon wallets, art wallets, pencil rolls, bibs and dribble bibs, burp cloths, fabric book covers and more little messenger bags. I do hope I haven't forgotten anything although I always want to sew more that I have time available. Wish me luck this is a new fair to me so I hope all the late nights will be worth it.
If you see anything that you would like to reserve before I go on Friday to set up please shout out. Happy Bank holiday weekend everyone.

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